Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Something that's *not* about UCM

It's about Warren Buffet instead.

UCM does *not* watch the news, she does *not* read the paper, she does *not* subscribe to news magazines and she does *not* click on certain links, even though her home page is Slate (which she does *not* read). What UCM does, though, is watch Letterman.

(Crap, this is turning into something about UCM after all. Let's get back to the point!)

Which is Warren Buffet.

WHAT THE FUCK, dude? From one middle-class, unemployed graduate student to one billion-fuckin-aire, I've got to ask: Why'd you give all that money to Bill Gates? I wonder both why you didn't spread a LITTLE of it *my* way (and I can guess the answer to that) but mainly: WHY NOT START YOUR OWN FOUNDATION?

Considering that the $30 BILLION you gave old senior Gates is more than he -- world's richest man, like you're *not* -- put into the foundation himself, I'm wondering: Is this a hostile takeover? Are you going to insist the name be changed to the Bill & Melinda Gates Hold the Money for Warren Buffet foundation? Or will you just be changing the name of Microsoft to Geico?

Because, C'MON! If you're going to BE a philanthopist, Warren, you've got to THINK like a philanthropist. Rockefeller? Got his own foundation? DuPont? Got his own foundation? Vanderbilt? Duh! For the love of god, even Teresa Heinz Kerry's got her own foundation.

Who the hell is going to be the money manager for the Gates Foundation? Do you really trust that guy, Warren? The guy who RIPPED OFF APPLE? The dude who hasn't had AN ORIGINAL IDEA yet? Bill Fuckin Gates?

Warren! As Cher would say to Nick Cage: SNAP OUTTA IT! I could slap you right now.


drM said...

Are you kidding? Do you know how much fucking GOOD the BAMGF does in this world? They're doing more for world health than the W.H.O.! And considering that the US Government will not support programs like planned parenthood, or the UNCF, I have to say that even though they're the largest philanthropic org in the world, my hat is off to Warren Buffet. here's *one* person not interested in promoting the oligarchy.

LFSP said...

I am NOT an idiot, you know. Yes, yes, the BAMGF (nice acronym!) does a lot of good. I know they're working to eliminate malaria, for example. I know they're giving SHITLOADS to AIDS research. Kudos upon kudos!

But that doesn't stop me from disliking Bill Gates. I *am* a Mac user, you know. And that kind of hatred runs deep. He can't BUY my admiration.

If I can't be prejudice against ... everyone else ... at least I'm gonna actively dislike the richest man -- and biggest ripoff artist -- in the world.

For $30 billion, Warren could've started his own cause, rather than tying up so much MORE money under the control of youknowwho.

I'm just saying.

LFSP said...

Yes, I know that, too.

But I like my story better because I use it to maintain my irrational dislike of Bill Gates.

This is my world over here. I can say what I want.