Thursday, June 29, 2006

An Insufferable Argument. And fun with Nellie Oleson.

I'm watching more of that CRACK that Dr. M is spreading on the Internet -- the '80s music videos -- and I'm having what might be considered a PTSD flashback in some circles.

I'm watching Journey's "Separate Ways" video, and I'm tortured -- really fucking tortured -- by a memory. Several memories, actually. All of them involve an ongoing argument about Steve Perry.

The fundamentals: Two women I had the misfortune of knowing for a period of several years both attended high school in Hanford, California. Steve Perry is from Hanford. EVERY fucking time these two women got together -- in my presence, at least -- they got drunk and started arguing about which one of them actually dated Steve Perry in high school.

Clearly, both of them had gone on at least one date with him. But there was a continual bit of one-upsmanship going on in which no one in earshot could escape hearing who he had kissed where and when and how long, etc. One of them kissed him on a ferris wheel.

That I can recall. But the rest of it is blur because I would work very hard to make myself drunk as quickly as possible -- or I would just leave -- once this argument got going.

I don't know about the rest of you, but things that happened while I was in high school are just too fucking stupid to think about any more. Let alone argue about. I graduated 20 years ago. (Kinda makes me sick to realize this.) And the *only* thing I really want to know about high school is when JellyGirl gives me an update about one of the class sluts who does porno.

But when it comes to Steve Perry -- who didn't go to my high school -- I could give a shit. I looked at the Journey video to see, after all these years, just what these women were so vehemently arguing over.

So he's not bad looking, but he isn't good looking, either. And as I understand things, his voice is shot to hell from singing out of his range for so many years.

It was much more entertaining, I thought, to play volleyball several years ago with Nellie Oleson from "Little House on the Prairie." It was a hot day, she was wearing a nice white-trash halter top, and the two of us had a little fun in the parking lot.


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