Monday, June 26, 2006

Life without TiVo

When I moved out from XGF, one of the things I relinquished was the VCR. With that VCR, I maintained a good reason to avoid TiVo. I could tape whatever I wanted. Who needed all that technology, that subscription, that, that, that... stuff that causes my inner Luddite to revolt?

But tonight, I finally ran into the barrier that TiVo would solve for me (if only I could get over my Luddite tendencies -- which is highly unlikely): I was trapped in purgatory, caught between "Hell's Kitchen" and "The New Adventures of Old Christine." (I have only the most basic of cable, so there's not a lot out there competing for my attention.)

"Hell's Kitchen" -- aside from describing the actual physical environment of my kitchen today here in Portland with temps over 100 and not an air-conditioner in sight -- is the kind of game show I like to sink my teeth into. Part of it is because I know from XGF's experience just what a miserable place a professional kitchen is for a woman. But also, I just like that total *asshole* of a chef, Chef Ramsey. I wish Fox didn't bother to mask his mouth when he curses. Free television is so puritanical....

But I am torn, because on the *other* channel is none other than Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She's not just hot, she's FUNNY. "The New Adventures of Old Christine" is one of the funniest shows I've seen since "Seinfeld." She plays a character who has very little luck in love -- and no shame. Last week, she referred to her full Brazilian wax as "a hair arrow pointing at my C-section." I about split my side laughing.

This evening, as I toggled back and forth between "Hell's Kitchen" and "TNAOOC," I was torn.

I finally realized, This is why people have TiVo.

But I'm not going there. I'll channel surf. In the end, my time will be spent with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, because she is light years funnier than watching a bunch of snotty children destroying a restaurant with silly string during a lunch service. She is so much more entertaining than wondering if the risotto is going to "relax" on the plate sufficiently for that ego-brusier, Chef Ramsey.

Life is full of choices. I've got to make mine. Thank god for the remote control and a schedule of commercials that allows me to watch *all* of Julia Louis-Dreyfus (because a girl must have her eye candy and her humor) and still catch enough of "Hell's KItchen" to know who's who, what's going on and why it's sheer hell there.

This concludes the most meaningless blog entry ever. (Unless, of course, you are, like me, willing to admit that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is still a looker.)

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