Monday, June 26, 2006

A small question

Can someone please provide me with a possible, factual -- scientific even! -- reason *why* wine makes me so much more intoxicated than hard liquor or beer?

I can drink margarita upon margarita, gin & tonic upon gin & tonic (mixed at my own home where no one is stiffing me on the liquor) and not even get half as fucked up as three glasses of wine will do to me.

The other week, I went out with a friend and drank a fair bit of wine. Probably six glasses. I was toasted off my ASS, and based on the fact that I never had any hangover symptoms whatsoever until two days later, I think I remained intoxicated on that wine for nearly 24 hours.

Yet when I drank at least six margaritas and gin & tonics one night recently, I was essentially sober within a few hours.

Do we synthesize different types of alcohol in different ways? I know the amount of water we consume along with the alcohol we drink can seriously affect our ability to avoid hangovers. I know that the more we've eaten, the more diluted the alcohol in our blood.

But I find that, even when I appear to have controlled for several variables, wine goes to my head much more quickly and powerfully -- and sticks around a lot longer -- than does hard liquor.

S'up wit dat, homies?


drM said...

I have many possible answers, but probably none that will satisfy you. In lieu of speaking extemporaneously, I promise to see if there's any research.

I would like to point to all sorts of reasonable explanations, but I do have to agree with your point on an anecdotal level because, after all, I become awfully beligerent when I do tequila shots. And of course, that has every thing to do with tequila and nothing to do with the mood I'm already in when I do tequila shots, or the type of occasion it may be when I'm doing tequila shots, or what kind of food I'm eating/not eating along with my tequila shots.

Oh, there I go with the extemporizing.

LFSP said...

The idea of you being belligerent both intrigues and terrifies me, Dr. M.

A liquored-up "4WD bitch" looking for a fight is ... well, that's why they invented mud wrestling. 8-)

But if I'm to read between the lines, I think you're saying that mood, food and activity play a role, although perhaps there is something in the liquor itself. "Nature via nurture" is your answer for everything now, isn't it?