Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election day

Now that it looks like the Democrats will control the House of Representatives -- and that we'll have a woman speaker -- can we PLEASE get the hell out of Iraq? Can we PLEASE see some impeachment proceedings? Can the Democrats PLEASE get their crap-ass acts together and *do something* about this fucked up situation?

My Magic 8 Ball is reading, "You wish!"

Yeah, I'm not holding out a lot of hope here. The Democrats are two shakes short of being totally worthless, which is why I've long been registered and voting Green.

(An aside: Don't blame me for the last six years. I've voted for the Democrats in tight races. But I've always done so with a heavy conscience because, even though they're not as bad as those fascist Republicans, the Dems have sold out to corporate influence peddlers and gotten too freaking soft for my game.)

Fortunately, this election seems to be reflecting nationwide contempt for Bush, his cronies and their policies, so the lack of leadership by the Democrats didn't really seem to factor in to the situation much.

It's just too bad that our fellow countrymen woke up two years too late, and we must yet suffer another two years at the hands of that legion of weasles and rat bastards running the White House.

So PLEASE, Madame Speaker, show us what you're made of, and make the next two years the most miserable that Shrub has ever known in his life. Impeach the son-of-a-bitch -- and his little dog, Cheney, too.

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