Wednesday, November 08, 2006

About that impeachment pleading

I have not researched this to find out how accurate and/or plausible it is, but there is a comment on my preceding blog entry that provides a link to bring a citizen-initiated impeachment of El Diablo, Jorge W. Bush.

That sin-of-a-bitch lied, BLATANTLY lied, about something ever so much more serious than anyone should ever take a blow job. His lies have resulted in the deaths of more than 2,800 American soldiers and the permanent maiming of 10 times that many (the injuries are really being made invisible). No to mention the deaths and injuries of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Iraqis, the vast majority of whom are not combatants of any sort.

And along the way, he's diverted our nation's financial resources to the tune of nearly $350 BILLION, money that could have been spent rebuilding the my beloved city of New Orleans -- or dishing out 23 million college scholarships worth $15,000 each (which would have certainly made *my* life a little easier). Or it could have paid for a week's worth of groceries for like, say, THREE BILLION PEOPLE. Or funded the salaries of 11 million school teachers.

Something like that.

No matter how you slice that, this fool-hardy bullshit war is an offense, considering it was built on lies and the most pernicious propaganda and intentional manipulation of the media that this country has ever seen. If not an impeachment, there should be a revolution.

All the legalish-sounding pleadings are already written for you. You just need to fill in the blanks and mail that sucker to Nancy Pelosi. They suggest sending it to her twice: Now to prime the pump and then on January 15, when she becomes Speaker of the House.

Let's do what we can, people.

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