Monday, November 20, 2006

Don't believe I heard that right...

I had my nose buried in the Endless Decoupage Project -- which I have been working on since July -- this evening while the news played in the background. So I did not *see* the commercial to which I'll refer, but I certainly heard it.

I sincerely doubt I heard it correctly. But what I did hear amused me.

It's a Safeway commercial, with a voice-over song that askes repeatedly, "Are you having any fun?" Sounds like Sinatra, but I don't know Sinatra well-enough to say for certain. In any case, it sounds all holiday festive, and I can imagine the holiday images that are being splashed across the screen while the song plays.

But then came the tagline. I *swear* the woman said, "Let your holiday blow!" And touted Safeway as a source. For all that sucks, I presume.

If you *have* to ask, "Are you having any fun?" perhaps your holiday *does* blow.

You know, come to think of it, my mom shopped at Safeway. Hmm.... Perhaps that explains more than I realized.

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