Saturday, April 29, 2006

Catty, bitchy women shaking fingers

Whatever happened to smiling, happy people holding hands?

The craigslist ads for women seeking women are, as I've noted previously, the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time. The women are just bitchingbitchingbitching at each other. (Rather than join into the fray and snag and snarl along with the rest of them, I sometimes post an ad on my blog and make fun of it. But that's all in good fun. I mean: A menstrual cuddler? Who wouldn't want to poke at that?)

The problem seems to be that we women, we liberated lesbians who don't need men and don't need to conform to society's rules about relationships, all seem to be wanting to police each other. There apparently is some kind of lesbian gestapo round these parts that goes attacking those of us who are attracted to certain types of women. (See my previous post about femmes, to whom I'm ardently attracted.) See, this shit is just NOT ALLOWED.

Here are some samples of the bickering from craigslist. I could not find the original posting for "Let's give this a try." I can only presume someone *flagged it* for being politicall incorrect. But here are some responses:

RE:lets give this a try

I am manly, hear me laugh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HA

"...I'm fairly open minded when it comes to meeting people but I am also quite picky at the same time so that means no manly looking anything...I'm here to meet new people, possibly make a couple people laugh and that's it."

UCM: And here's another...

RE:lets give this a try

No manly anything?
So a double headed dildo is out of the question?
I have a manly dog...does that count?
Oh yeah my cat is also manly.
Manly yes but I like it too.
Your definately too young to remember the commercial.

UCM: And you're definitely too dumb to know the difference betweeen "your" and "you're...."

All the girl was wanting was NOT to date a "manly looking anything." I can't say I blame her. If you're a woman who loves *women* -- as I am -- what the fuck is wrong with wanting your woman to look like a WOMAN?

It just sickens me, all this attackingattackingattacking women who state some kind of preference that doesn't conform to the holier-than-thou, gender-bending blabbidy-blah-blah of lesbian political correctness. Nothing drives me more mad than intolerance of personal taste.

That's why I'm down with the following, one of the few sane voices I've read on craigslist:

Where has all this gone? - 42

It's really entertaining to read these post. I must say though...where have all the add's gone for women meeting other women? There are a few, but mostly it's dogging each other. You read other cities' add's and they are not like Portland's. It's sad to me to think that there are so many catty women out there. Are you women just bored or just really hateful? Everyone needs love in all shapes and sizes and looks, personality and so on...There is someone for everyone, but not everyone for someone. We like to date women that we are attracted too, but the feeling has to be mutual. I do like women that are HWP because that is what I am attracted too. Let's get back to women seeking women. I want a fun date for crying out loud not someone with a low self esteem.

UCM: I hear ya, sister. ... But how about some good spelling and good grammar in addition to a good body? Would that be too much to ask?

1 comment:

ctrl-freak said...

hAHA, I love this..

it reminds me of the Black Table's column, The Week in Craig, but better.