Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One down, two to go...

I finished the first piece in a new art project I'm working on in my free time. No class associated with this puppy, just me attempting to ... uh, represent a process in some other way than words. In fact, you might say the title of this project is "Words Fail Me."

I don't know if my storytelling skills have met their match with this recent transformation I've been experiencing, or if the whole thing simply defies words.

Whatever the case, I was inspired by the work I did for my Couples Therapy class -- purely in media, not in content -- and I decided to try to tell a story in another way than words (although true to form, I use words in at least one of these pieces). This is something I have never done, so it's engaging me in the challenge of it.

But also, I like playing around with paper and scissors, so it has given me something other than homework to do during the really *boring* shifts I've been doing at work lately (last night being an exception, although I did some cutting work there, too).

So after much fussing, I finished one tonight. I can't speak to its "artistic" merits, but I am pleased with it. It says something that's meaningful to me. And I think the image is provocative enough that it will mean something to others, as well. Perhaps that's enough.

I've been cutting pieces for the second one, but I must spend a little while more on the visioning of it. I can see what I want to do, but am not quite sure if I'll be able to figure out how to do it. Sometimes, the layering gets tricky.

Anyway, I'm excited. One is done, and I like it.

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