Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Alter Ego's childhood

There's nothing quite like getting the opportunity to relive your youth. Those of you who knew me when I was a teen-ager (hello, JellyGirl!) *know* what kind of gal I was. But for all of you who have only had the pleasure of knowing your dear UCM as an adult, well, there are some things better left a mystery.

Suffice it to say, *this* is how my Alter Ego got rated as she moved into adolescence. I think she has more spite and malice than I ever did -- either as a young lass or as the dear woman I am today:

"Now, regarding your emotional and personality development...

"You are not the kind of girl that can be easily trusted. Some people might even call you downright sneaky at times.

"The degree to which you display aggressive types of behavior is somewhat alarming, especially for a young lady. You can be nasty and spiteful at times."

I can guarantee you, friends, you don't want to know what kinds of decisions I've made for my Alter Ego to wind up with such a bum rap. Suffice it to say, I made the best choices I could under the circumstances.

Now, perhaps someone will call Stanley Milgram and get me an audience with his zapping machine. My Alter Ego would apparently have no problems carrying on with his experiments. And *not* because she defers to authority. She's just vicious.

But then, I am reminded that S2 and yours truly were both rated by Zip's personality testing as having criminal tendancies. The thing I love most about my life right now is that I'm getting to know some really good people with whom to burn in hell on accounts of our various crimes against god, church and society. Y'all know who you are (including the "atheist in Texas").

Kisses! (Although, to be fair, my Alter Ego would tell you to plant them on her ass!)


ctrl-freak said...

I find it interesting the interplay of who we perceive ourselves to be in this (real) life versus the person we aim to be in the game..

I think it would be better to be devious and sneaky in a game rather than in real life anyways.

In both, however, I seemed to cultivate 'problems with authority'.
Go figure.

It was interesting to read in the 'news/faq' that the most requested feature of the game to be included in future versions was for the option to be homosexual.

LFSP said...

I think the game should just suddenly, without CHOICE, make the players be gay. Give them the freaky awakening in adolescence, force them to deal with being teased and gay bashed -- and then give them all sorts of decisions to make about being out or not.

With appropriate "consequences" for each decision, natch.

I.E. The boy you've been having sex with expects you to invite him to your family Thanksgiving dinner.

Select a mood
-- Frightened
-- Angry
-- Non-chalant

Select an action
-- Try to prepare your family for the shock of your flamboyant boy toy
-- Break up with him for trying to force you out of the closet with your family
-- Buy him a new scarf for the occasion and warn him that your mom will start asking questions about your sex life after she's had a few glasses of wine