Monday, May 01, 2006

One reason I like poetry

Because it shares such sentiments of the heart, as in these two jems I just read by Amy Lowell (1874-1925), a lesbionic poet.


My thoughts
Chink against my ribs
And roll about like silver hail-stones.
I should like to spill them out,
And pour them, all shining,
Over you.
But my heart is shut upon them
And holds them straightly.

Come, You!, and open my heart;
That my thoughts torment me no longer,
But glitter in your hair.

UCM: Damn, that's sweet. And short. And classy. She was said to have written that poem to the actress Ada Dwyer Russell, who Lowell met in 1909 and became her lover until Lowell died. There was a lovely collection of poetry between the two. Some of it was quite sexy, too, especially for the times. The following was written in celebration of their first 10 years together.

A Decade

When you came, you were like red wine and honey,
And the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness.
Now you are like morning bread,
Smooth and pleasant.
I hardly taste you at all for I know your savour,
But I am completely nourished.

UCM: OK, that's sexy. And I love it. Even though it makes me ashamed of my own poetry. Except maybe for a piece I shared not long ago with S2 that she called "blasphemous." (Is there any higher complimentt?)

But I digress. These poems just struck me as something to share. I think they're beautiful. I'm sure there's a woman out there on whom it would be worth springing either one of these. Certainly, the first one anyway. *sigh* (Suffice it to say, I don't expect to find such a woman on craigslist...!)

You know, I make myself laugh sometimes with my longings. But then, humor is the sweet part of life, so what the hell ... I'll indulge myself.

1 comment:

ctrl-freak said...

Very nice. Not being much of a poetry fan myself, these 2 works are indeed elegant.

And I'm sure there is a woman out there worthy of your poetry, it's the finding her part that's the challenge.

Hang in there.