Saturday, May 27, 2006

I've redeemed myself!

Heh. I wasn't even trying to get my Alter Ego back in good graces with the world, and yet I've managed to do so. A progress report on my so-called life:

"Now, regarding your emotional development...

"Your trustworthiness and sense of fair play are commendable. You are an honest young woman, but there is always room for improvement.

"A positive aspect of your adolescence is your ability to resist temptation and not give into your impulses. Since adolescence is a time for testing limits, this can get some people into some pretty dangerous situations. However, leading an excessively sheltered life can be boring.

"You seem to be enjoying most of what you do. Even though you experience "the blues" every once in a while, it's nice to see that you are not having a depressed, traumatized life.

"Even though an occasional explosive outburst is common in most adolescents, you seem to have everything well under control. You seem to be sensitive and gentle.

You certainly have a good head on your shoulders. You are not only book-smart, but you also have plenty of common sense."

Except for that part where I didn't have a traumatized life (who would UCM be today if not on the path to being what S2 calls a "wounded healer"?), it would seem that, for now at least, my Alter Ego and my Real Self are starting to align. How curious.

I'm not sure why I like this game so much. The graphics are BORING -- pretty much just a black screen with white questions -- but it's keeping me interested enough to play it. And it takes forever, which is not something for which I normally have tolerance. It's like playing Risk or something. It just goes on and on and on.

Perhaps it's just that my Real Life is so much more complicated and intense right now than I care for it to be, and my Alter Ego provides a good escape. Plus, apparently, she's pretty *hot* in addition to being intelligent. Not to mention, she's got really good social graces.

Heh. Grace, for the Real Me, is a work in progress. Kinda like building a highway. Through the Amazon.

If I only knew back then what I know now....

1 comment:

ctrl-freak said...

Well done!

I myself can't quite figure out why it's so compelling a game to play given that it is indeed budget graphic-wise and somewhat slow-going.

Maybe it stems from this need certain people (we) have to redeem themselves. Or maybe it's sheer boredom. Or a combination of both.

In any case, rock it.