Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My ginger-mint aura

I saw The Clairvoyant this morning for a massage. She knows me well -- better than most. So all she needed was one good look at me to know something's amiss. Yeah, of course, she knows all about my favorite women, my insane and roaring libido, my diet, my exercise routines and what I go through in choosing paint colors, but I hadn't told her about the problem with GF's Grand Plan.

I mention it, and TC says, "Oh, yeah, I remember we were eating dinner a few months ago, and GF started talking about that. I was wondering what was going on with you, because that just didn't seem like something you wanted to do. The One wants me to move to Philly sometime, and I think, Are you kidding? The upside, though, is that we're allowed to eat pizza and cheese steak sandwiches there. Maybe we should all move to Philly together."

For TC, it always comes back to the food.

But today, after giving me a *divine* massage, she says, "You know, I'm concerned about your aura. Do you mind if I clean it up a little?"

Nevermind the fact that I'm not really sure what an aura is. An energy field around my body? I say, Whatever you think is best.

She grabs a bottle of the shelf. "Before I spray it on your aura, smell this!" She sprays (with a *working pump,* mind you) a fine mist into the air between us. We both lean in to sniff it. "Ginger Mint!" TC says, satisfied. I nod my head. So she starts spraying it around my head, my legs, all over. I feel like my aura is being frisked, maybe. "There," she says. "I think you'll be better now. At least, your aura will smell good anyway."

This is why I enjoy my friends so much. Sometimes, I have no fucking clue what they're talking about or what they're doing, but they each put out a lot of love in their own way. I can only hope I give a fair share back.

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