Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pissy little blinking man

What's up with this professor I've got in my Tuesday night class? He *blinks* like he's got the worst case of dry eye that I've ever seen.

But maybe that's because I'm making him all tweaky like from ARGUING with him during class. The little weasly dude -- who seems likeable in many other respects -- told me that "marriage" and long-term, committed, intimate, romantic relationships such as we GAY PEOPLE have are *not* the same.

I take exception to that, I replied.

I have my reasons, obviously, and I let them trickle out in various aspects of the class discussion.

But, generally, I want to say: WHAT THE FUCK, dude?!

You know the saddest thing? I'm afraid some people I respect tremendously agree with him.

I guess, on some level, they're all right: How can it be "the same" when my queer brothers and sisters are not accorded the same standing in society, when we cannot (easily) procreate, when people discuss sex as an act of procreation (while I insist there must be room for "recreational sex" within an intimate relationship)?

Separate. But not equal. (Desperate. But not serious.)

Let me tell you something, people: I am MAD AS HELL! REALLY FUCKING MAD. I feel outraged, indignant and like I should be wearing pantyhose all at the same time! I feel like a rancid lip balm factory. Like a really disturbing version of Feminists Gone Wild (hairy legs and all).

I feel like slapping one of those "can't-blink-now!" eye contraptions from "A Clockwork Orange" on that professor and making him watch me do Liutenant O'Hura's freaky naked fan dance until he breaks down and AGREES with me: The *reason* so many queers were lined up outside the Multnomah County offices to get their effin' marriage licences is because they wanted social and legal recognition of what they already know to be true: OUR RELATIONSHIPS ARE JUST AS MEANINGFUL AS YOURS ARE, YOU GODDAMNED MUTHA-FUCKING PRIVILEDGED HETEROSEXUALS.


I love with just as much meaning, with just as much courage and bravery and desire for intimacy and sexual passion and dreams for the future as YOU, you arrogant fucks!

How DARE you tell me otherwise?!

1 comment:

drM said...

Hmm....I really like this professor and he usually seems pretty liberal and on top of things. Except my whole argument with him about consciousness, which is whole other kettle of fish.

What did he say the difference between gay relationships and ungay relationships was?

I would say that the relationships are vastly the same - truly deeply committed - but that The Gays are missing out on all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges that come with having their relationships officially recognized by the State and, of course, by all the folks they know - which is only truly possible once someone has bought you a toaster or you have run off to elope in Vegas becuase you're drunk and it seems like a great idea. Until then, folks just act like you're living together and your mom is convinced that you're "just going through a phase."

So no. It's not the same: domestic partnership vis-a-vis marriage. That's why we're fighting for equal rights.

God I can't wait for Gay Wedding Chapels in Vegas. FABULOUS.