Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'm late for an important date!

There's a party going on upstairs, and it's loud enough to prevent me from sleeping.

In these wee hours -- although I admit this is close to my normal bedtime -- I find myself wondering just what it is that seems to make me sexually invisible.

I just don't get that.

Is it the fact that I'm so ... unvarnished? Is the power of my character such that I'm somehow intimidating (particularly to men)? Or is it just my body which puts off people from considering me worthy of physical attention (when no cash is being exchanged)?

Granted, I know that close-ended questions and the presumptive use of "or" (as in, you can choose from these three options and no others) limits the discussion a bit. But I'm just tossing out some questions.

Why does just about *everyone* who's taken by me in some way stick me in the "friend" box and leave my vibrant sexuality to rot on the vine?

There are some anniversaries which are *not* to be celebrated. A Year Without Sex is one of them.

It would be nice if someone would prevent that from happening. (And, yes, I'm talking to you. In other words, if you think I'm talking to you, I probably am. Why not?!)

P.S. On that note, I saw more testicles tonight than I think I've seen in my entire life. Thanks, GameBoy, for showing me a ... uh, a good time? ;-} ... By the way, you've got sweet digs. And you *are* a rock star. (If it's on the Internet, that means it's true. And true for-ev-uh. Or at least until the last server is crushed at the dump and the last cache file found and destroyed.)

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