Saturday, June 30, 2007

Games they play in prison

I learned how to play cribbage tonight, but it seems I might have learned it according to "prison rules." Only playing it with people who haven't been in the slammer will reveal to me what the difference might be. If any....

I played it at work. The experience was considerably better than playing more spider solitaire on the computer, which is what, aside from studying, I normally do on the job. (Except when working at this one site that doesn't have *any* games on its computer.)

Other than that, I have little to report.

Except that maybe I have agreed to go on a date (or something) with a young woman who's a friend of a friend. I say "or something" because I'm not sure what I've agreed to do. Which is typical with lesbians. I should have been more clear, but the whole conversation in which I agreed to something was a bit sly and on the fly. So....

Maybe she'll forget, and I won't have to do it.

Can you tell I how excited I am about this? Our mutual friend was all, "I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you," and whatnot, but I've got this personal requirement that I must, by force if necessary, meet people with whom friends are trying to set me up.

Alas, the whole set-up business seems to boil down to a friend saying, "Oh, I know TWO single lesbians. Gay plus gay equals something, right? I'll hook them up with each other." And there's often not a lot of thought involved in whether there's actually a match there, because the only thing that seems to need matching is that we're both gay.

Normally, I have considered this as a heterosexual thought process. But this time, the person responsible for this set-up is gay himself. (Maybe it's also a "himself" thought process; I have as yet to be hooked up by another lesbian, which could totally destroy all my narrow-minded thinking and just prove that people in general don't put in a moment's thought to whether they *really* ought (or ought not!) set up the two queers in question.)

In this case, the concerning factor for yours truly is that the other woman is ... 26. As I said to YogaGirl about this last week, 26-year-old flesh is one thing; 26-year-old mind is another. But then, as I noted to her at the time, The Debutante was 26 when we became friends, and I think of her as very mature. So ... yeah. Maybe I'm just being a narrow-minded ageist bitch.

When I asked our mutual friend why he set us up, he replied, "Her cut-off age is 40."


Perhaps what we should do on our "date" is go to a bar where I can teach her to play cribbage according to "prison rules," and not explain why I know the games they play in prison. I think I'll give myself some temporary tattoos while I'm at it.

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