Sunday, April 22, 2007


I worked today at a H4TCI not far from my home, where I've worked only once when doing a shadow shift with the house administrator. The residents there, all of them men, are the biggest bunch of teddy bears you can imagine (except for this one guy who's a little sketchy).

Most of the day was passed playing Free Cell and Spider Solitaire in the dining room while listening to '80s rock that was blasting from the digital television in the den. Periodically, I'd get into a conversation with one of the residents. One of them gave me a lengthy and detailed "introduction" to cooking with a Crockpot. Another asked me for guidance with maintaining a rose bush in the back yard.

Otherwise, nothing to report. It's officially the most mellow job I've ever had.

In other news, I got an e-mail from XGF, who's in Shanghai on business, and is stressing out about what appears to be the imminent death of a family member back here at home. This situation has been unfolding for months -- years, really -- but, of course, it didn't become critical until XGF was on the other side of the planet. I feel for her. This totally sucks.

On a totally different note, I'm going to see David Sedaris on Sunday night with Rather Shy Classmate. I've been looking forward to this show for months. Theoretically, I should be studying for my final on Monday night, but I fail to see how I can prepare to solve an ethical dilemma. Especially when I get to bring my own ethical decision making model and my professional code of ethics with me to class. So I will enjoy David Sedaris without a further thought about Monday.

1 comment:

alex said...

Nevertheless the Colonel quitted the building alone, and apparently unarmed except for his faithful gold-headed stick, which hung as usual from his forearm...