Sunday, April 08, 2007

so much for that...

Well, I was in the process of blog-blog-blogging away about the impending completion of my art project and how it had its first more-or-less finished collective viewing tonight (S2 had previously seen one of the six pieces) when my computer suddenly blew a gasket and turned itself off.

Thus, my entry was destroyed. And now, I am too tired to write it all anew.

So let's just put it this way:

Bubba said she liked what I made but would be "scared" to give the explanation for all of it to the class. (Part of the explanation involves me as a sexual minority feeling sad for the dominant culture.)

And in response to my neurotic use of airquotes when calling my work "art," YogaGirl said, "It's definitely art. More art than anything I've seen lately that claims to be art. You should do more of it and show it in a gallery." (Is that sweet or what? And she wasn't even trying to get into my pants. Very hard for me to believe my stuff's all that, but she sounded serious.)

Bubba's GF, the Lovely Lawyer Lady, asked some thoughtful questions about my presentation -- or rather, the spoken words that will explain my cardboard commentary -- and then encouraged me to proceed, telling me I was being bold. But not too bold. Of course, on the way out the door, she offered me legal representation and said she would write a lawyerly threat to my professor on her letterhead if, as Bubba predicts, he gives me a failing grade. (He won't.)

I still have to write and whittle down and practice the presentation -- a lecture, really -- that I'll give when I share my creative efforts with the class. It was the beginning of that lecture to which my three friends were reacting tonight. All of them said they wished they could audit the class or be a fly on the wall on Tuesday night.

Especially when I hit the notes of my lecture about how, in words I may have stolen from S2, The most serious threat to the institution of marriage is marriage itself. Socially, it is a wheezing gasbag on the verge of being totally irrelevant.

The good news is that my little creative works prompted some wide eyes, a few gaspts and some particularly rewarding laughter.

I will fill you in on more later. For now, it is time to sleep.

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