Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tragic validation & vindication

The piece Bill Moyers reported about the outrageous lying and manipulation and laziness of the major league media in the run-up to the Iraq War was an absolutely marvelous piece of journalism.

Thank you, Mr. Moyers. As alumni of the same undergrad program, I would like to say that you (and Linda Ellerbee and Molly Ivans) were my journalistic role models. It's because of the ethical sensibilities I gleaned from all three of you that I left my post in the mainstream media when I did.

It has always been my pleasure NOT to have been involved in the fiasco this country mistook for "journalism" in the years following the September 11 attacks. There is a theory that people with good intentions can change the system from the inside, and I wish I had possessed the interest and the backbone to say I did just that. But instead, I left as a conscientious objector.

You, Mr. Moyers, stuck around and have exposed the disgusting "truth" at the core of this rotting, mildewing "Fourth Estate." We are all in your debt.

Now, if only it will make a difference.

Perhaps then, I could pay attention to the news again.

Alas, it might be a cold day in hell before I give a single shred of credibility to the major media outlets. What has been going on is a form of Treason, a disservice to the people of this good country. I cannot be bothered to pay it heed at this point. Nor should the rest of you.

It's toxic, I'm telling you. Absolutely toxic. And Bill Moyers made that point quite well tonight.

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