Monday, February 12, 2007

On into the night

Goldspincter's Daughter gave me *that look* I seem to get from a lot of people these days when, today as she was polishing the grit off my teeth, she asked if I was working.

I told her tonight would be my first solo graveyard shift with the Criminally Insane.

Which is when I got that look.

It's a curious mix of horror, skepticism, concern and what can best be summed up as, "I could never do that...."

"Aren't you scared?" she asked.

No. I mainly just don't want to fall asleep on the job, I replied. Then added for humor and effect: At least, not until after I've counted all the knives to make sure none are missing.

But seriously. Although I'm a helluva night owl, staying up until 7:30 in the morming -- and then driving home (and then walking the dog, so I can sleep uninterrupted for a while!) -- is not part of my madness.

I guess it's gonna be now, though.

Taking school books and Netflix videos to keep me awake. Thankfully, "The Passionate Marriage" has some page-turning qualities to it that will keep me interested in the wee hours.

Nighty-night folks. ... I'm off to join the underworld.

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