Monday, February 05, 2007

Learning & training

First, the learning.

I am reading Susan Johnson's text on Emotion Focused Couples Therapy. And something I keep wondering is: Where the fuck is this stuff in the *rest* of my academic curriculum? I'm not talking about her particular therapeutic approach but about the theoretical orientation she takes toward the meaning and use of emotion and its role in healing the psyche.

The field of mental health has tilted too far toward the cognitive side. Stupid fucking insurance companies have gotten us off the track. Fortunately, EFT is an "empirically validated" therapy, so perhaps this will start getting some play in other parts of the curriculum as an individual approach.

It's a shame that many of my classmates will not cross paths with this stuff during their formal education. But then, if we are responsible counselors, we'll never stop educating ourselves. So perhaps they'll come across this on their own.

Now, the training.

Tomorrow, I attend a training program in crisis prevention and intervention. It's required for my work with the criminally insane. I'll have to report back on what I learn. That way, you readers will have some nascent, half-baked knowledge based on second-hand information (in other words, you'll be like Rush Limbaugh) to deal with crises that need intervention in your future. Kinda like how you're practically certifiable after talking to me about CPR and the Conscious Choking Procedure or whatever the hell it is Red Cross is calling the Heimlich to avoid royalties.

In other words, don't put it on your resume as a skill. And accept the fact that this entire blog comes with a Hold-Harmless Clause.

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