Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I awakened (alarm-assisted, no snooze) at 7:45 this morning, which is a good two hours (or so) before I normally bat my pretty little eyes at the daylight.

This is no feat for just about *everyone else* I know, but I've turned into the most absurd night owl since living on my own. So when I manage an early rising, I'm impressed with myself.

But only a little bit. Because what crosses my mind when I'm walking the dog in the lovely morning air with the sun coming into my eyes at angles to which I'm not accustomed, I always wonder: Why the hell don't I get up earlier?

It's because I like watching Letterman. And because my creative brain doesn't wake up until three or four in the afternoon (and never has, even when I rose every day at 6:45, which is the earliest I've ever woken consistently).

One year in high school, I had an art class first thing in the morning. Every day, I'd straggle in a bit late and silently work on the projects, rather lackluster in my approach, yawning yawning yawning.

One afternoon after school, I went to class to finish a project and I was ... well, the adolescent version of my normal self (which is still a bit adolescent). The teacher expressed great surprise at how I behaved, saying, "You really aren't a morning person, are you? You are a *totally* different person in the afternoon. It's amazing how much more personality you have."

I guess in retrospect, there are probably plenty of people who would prefer my morning persona. I would leave them alone, hardly talk to them at all, never say anything rude (because I'd hardly ever speak) and certainly would not cause so much transference.

Anyway. I'm awake now. I've driven across town and back to take the pup to the groomer prior to a hair appointment I have myself later this morning. (He goes to a fancier salon than I do. But then, his hair has special needs and mine just needs to not be gray.)

So, what I was thinking about when I signed on to blog was whether or not I'm alone in seeing an uncanny physical resemblance between Pink Martini founder Thomas Lauderdale and comedienne/singer Lea DeLaria? He seems to be a blond-haired male version of her. They are both short. Only he's got class, and she's rather crass.

That is the quality of my early morning thoughts. Nothing to write home about, but it didn't stop me from blogging in an attempt to wake up my brain.

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