Friday, September 08, 2006

From craigslist

One curiosity on CL here in PDX is the presence of some serious edit whores who flag the living crap out of the posts people put on the women-seeking-women site. (Mind you, I've never posted anything myself, but I read these things and witness the endless cycle of posters fighting flaggers.)

I suspect these Internet nazis believe they are doing a community service by flagging -- and thus removing -- posts that don't quite fit the w4w venue (by whose definition, I couldn't say). But in doing so, they impinge on the ways people express themselves. And you know, I'm all for freedom of expression.

Because it gives me funny shit to post and ridicule on my blog.

So what I have for you today are some attempts by posters to stave off the Flag Nazis.

butch seeking femme - 101

Seeking a woman that is just a woman! 100% woman! Don't care about labels, ect ! Must be a bitch and non caring attitude.. I'm soo insecure, I don't trust others... Beat me down and I will be yours forever!! Please,Please don't flag me, I need to be out here to find my abuse from that special woman!!!

UCM: How delightful. I hope she finds what she wants before her post is erased. Probably, she needs a flagger.

please don't flag me.... - 22

i am a woman seeking a woman..22 from portland, wanna know more email me, cause anymore time i spend here will be a waist. the flag monster will get it.

UCM: I feel like flagging sometimes based on grammar and spelling. But I don't. Not everyone has to live up to my standards. Unless we're going to fuck, that is. (But perhaps a version of "totally inappropriate" -- and thus ripe for sport dating -- should include women who can't spell.)

This will get flagged in about five minutes... - 19

[Discussion section] Just like an equally civil post of mine last night. But it should be said anyway that I'm pretty sure that there's no grand community censoring going on. Rather, it's a few individuals with nothing better to do than to flag perfectly acceptable posts and spam a board. I know I'm feeding the trolls with this, but I've been watching with bemused horror as this unfolds, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents. Any bets you want to make on how long it will take for this to be taken down are welcome. [/Discussion section]

Otherwise... I'm a busy college student, bi, reasonably intelligent and engaged with the world. I'm looking for friends, friends with benefits, maybe a relationship if I'm blown away (did I mention that I'm busy? But I suppose everyone needs some time off.) by you. So there's that.

UCM: This young lady has a future. She writes well. Quite a bit more civil than what bubbles up in the next post:

NO I am not sick of bi's and couples if they are looking for women - 100

Get over yourself and your dumb ass group. If a bi woman or a woman who also has a man she sees is looking for another WOMAN then what business is it of yours? None I say, NONE!!!!!!! If you don't like the post move on to the next one and quit thinking that you and your views are the way this forum should be run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or better yet, MOVE!

UCM: Oh, the RAGE! Look at all those exclamation marks. Interestingly, even though this one doesn't seem to be intent on getting a date of any sort, her post is still floating out there on the board. I guess that proves the randomness of this whole situation.

There's some freaky flagger out there. Is it a radical lesbian feminist who can't stand all the bisexual women, the ladies looking for threesomes with their dudes, the women who state a preference for femmes and reject the butch, the ones who are just looking for sex? Is it a freaky christian fundamentalist who's trying to interfere with women who would otherwise be happily getting along and getting it on? Or is it just someone randomly fucking with all these gals?

I'd like to see a profile on seriel flaggers, please. What do they do when they tire of this pursuit?

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