Tuesday, December 12, 2006

And I'm done!

Holy mutha fuckin jezuz shit!

This has been *such* a trying term, psychologically speaking. I had one class I HATED, another I was dreading but turned out OK and a third that had a bunch of busy work while also requiring me to engage in extensive navel gazing.

And although I must still attend two more classes and give two more presentations -- one in each class -- this week, I have completed my coursework.

Tonight, I polished off a treatment plan and a best practices report (the class I hate) and created a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am PowerPoint presentation for my research methods course (the one I was dreading).

Tomorrow, I will go get my hair "taken care of" and my brows waxed. And I'll go grocery shopping for my weekly menu, as well as for a little End-of-the-term shindig I'm having on Friday. I've also got to go to the bank to straighten out something really obnoxious: missing payments to my water utility (deducted from my online banking but never received by the utility).

And then I think I'm going to do some Christmas shopping. For all you girls and boys who have behaved so well. Especially in that obscene treatment planning class.

I am SO fucking ecstatic at this moment. I wish I had someone other than my dog with whom to share it. He gets a bit upset when he hears me let loose one of my characteristically Texan Yeeeeee-haaaaaw!s. Which is the sound I made when I got done.

Because I hated that treatment planning class, man. It had, in my mind, become a Battle-Scar Galactica. I will be happy to kiss it off. Even though I'll wager $10 with the first taker that the capricious grading has brought an end to my 4.0 gpa.

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