Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Alter Ego is back!

For the past few weeks, I haven't been able to continue pursuing the life of my Alter Ego, on accounts something was wrong with the Web site. But I was able to hook up today, and ...


I've surpassed my actual real-life age. My Alter Ego has made it through "middle adulthood," a phase I've only recently entered in real life. I've got an ulcer, but I've finshed college and I have a live-in boyfriend.

I'm looking at this progress report and wondering what's next. (I can feel death starting to breath down the back of my neck.)

"During this phase of life, your body doesn't always respond the way your mind would like it to. A sore back after a hard day's work or sore feet and legs after a long walk are not uncommon. In general, you are not very healthy.


"You've never lost that youthful zest for life, have you? Unfortunately, your walks on the wild side have gotten you into more than one spot of trouble.

"You've seemed to have negotiated your "midlife crisis" without becoming depressed. You can be sensible and understanding. You are usually cool, calm and collected.

"People see you as an extremely wise person. They rely on you often for advice and are pleased with the results they get from interacting with you.

"The next phase of life is full of mixed blessings. You may feel old and lonely some days and cheerful and strong on others. Our society certainly has its share of prejudices against older folks, but you can have rich and rewarding experiences despite this.

"You will have your chance to thumb your nose at people who think you are too old to live it up a little. After all, you were doing most of these things (and enjoying them) long before these people were toilet trained."

So that's all nice and dandy. But I'm not liking this bit where I'm turning into an Old Person. If there's a fear I've got in real life, it's becoming decrepit and senile.

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