Monday, July 24, 2006

Lost Sandwich Seeks Rigthful Owner

Do you ever open your fridge and find something in there that is a real effin' mystery?

I'm not talking about those things you put in a tupperware container a few months ago that have turned into mold and are thus no longer recognizable. I'm talking the kind of mystery that makes you wonder (if you live alone like I do): Did someone break into my house and put something *in* to my fridge?

Because tonight, I opened my fridge to pull out a bottle of reisling, and I saw a brown paper bag. I had come in the door this evening with a brown paper bag of the same exact size, so I immediately thought, Duh! I didn't mean to put that in there!

I reached in pulled it out, but it did not feel like the bag (containing a bag of yukon gold potatoe chips) that I believed I put in there. I opened it ... and now find myself at a losss.

Inside was a egg salad and havarti sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes -- on whole wheat. It was made by the grocery store where I frequently shop. But I did *not* buy it. Nor did I stick it in my refrigerator on anyone's behalf. I have never seen this sandwich before.

(And no, I haven't been so intoxicated between now and the sandwich's born-on date to have forgotten I had something to do with this thing.)

It was made on July 19, and I regret to say that its sell-by date was July 20. It being egg salad and all, I don't think it's edible any longer. But I haven't thrown it away. So someone can still claim it.

The only reason I hope someone does is because I want to know: WHERE DID IT COME FROM? HOW DID IT GET HERE?

I'm more than a little worried that it came from some snakes who've just flown in from the coast....

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