Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hasta luego

For the next few days, I will be sitting in the adirondak chair pictured below, rather than being an armchair therapist or sitting at my computer.

I desperately need to recharge my batteries, and this is the get-away where I typically do just that. I'll be doing the R&R alone this time. As I've packed for my trip, I noticed a distinct difference between this year and last year, when I went to the lake by myself in late December. Last year, I was distressed about going there alone. This year, I'm craving just that.

Apparently, I am learning to fly solo with a lot more confidence. It wasn't the travel or the destination last year; it was the social isolation I was feeling. This year, I don't have that particular neurotic complex dogging me. I'm looking forward to solitude, to not even having to care for my dog. A few unstructured, unscheduled, no-pressure, sleep-and-eat-when-I-want, don't-hear-a-single-case-presentation days is just what I need.

I know others who need the same exact thing and can't arrange it for any number of reasons, so I feel especially fortunate that I get to have this time for myself in such a beautiful setting. It is without question the most restorative place I know. I'm going to go and gather as much of its marvelous energy as I can and try to bring some home with me. I'm going to need it this spring, I can tell.

See you all on the flip side.

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