Tuesday, October 09, 2007

To correct an error? Or not?

A few days late, a birthday card arrived in the mail today from my father.

With a multitude of exclamation points -- and even an uncharacteristic smiley face -- he congratulated and *teased* me about my birthday. Of all things, he told me I would "get used to" my advancing age. But he softened the pain by sending me a fat gift card.

I'm not sure what to do about it, though.

See, my dad believes I've just turned 40.

And I haven't. I'm 39. It was my older sister, my dad's first child, who turned 40 this year.

Several thoughts have found space in my mind about this. But I suppose the main one is pretty simple: Should I tell him? And if so, how?

1 comment:

Whirling Dervish said...

yes. that way he'll send you an even fatter gift card next year. :)