Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I took my first yoga class EVER today.

I've been exposed to yoga through some DVDs that I've used for the past few years, but I've never taken a class. This despite the fact that there are a few yoga studios within five blocks of my place and one right across the street.

I have felt reluctant to go because so many friends have told me that the yoga studios here in town can be strangely "competitive" or just snobby. One that was about two blocks down the street until a few months ago always struck me as snobby, but inertia and the cost of regular attendance both combined to keep me from checking out the "friendlier" ones. I was also worried about my tailbone hurting in the sitting poses.

So after many months of contemplating -- this is just how I can be sometimes -- I went to the little studio across the street. There were two other students in the class, one of whom was new to it like me. The floor was padded and squishy, which was really nice for my tailbone.

The style of class I chose was a "restoration" yoga. This seems to be what I need most. I already get good exercise from my twice-daily dog walks and riding my bike around, but a lot of powerful stretching with some serious ab- and arm-strenghtening work mixed in with serious relaxation is hitting my shortcomings in terms of body movement.

When I was done, my legs were pleasantly tired and twitchy -- how they get when I know they've been worked well -- and my stomach was nice and firm, while my shoulders were all relaxed. I had a nice little head buzz going on, too. Kinda like being in a bubble.

Just fabulous. Much, *much* better to do it in person than with a video, too.

I automatically bought a multi-class pass to go to more of them. Not exactly good for my budget, but the physical workout, the profound relaxation and the clarity of mind I experienced seems worth it.

1 comment:

Whirling Dervish said...

wow. maybe I should try that. Im starting a meditation "class" tomorrow- but I'm afraid it will be populated by a bunch of strange undergrads--perhaps this would be better for me. But impossible, as you know my flexibility issues...:)