Friday, October 20, 2006

Silent Bob: No. 1 reader

You silent readers out there are making me feel lately like I'm talking to myself. I do not like that.

JellyGirl, when are you going to learn how to post a comment? When you got all piqued about what I said about the minivans, you could've bitch-slapped me right here on the site.

Think about it people. There's a method for you to flay and excoriate me in public. Just post the comment here already. And you can still hide behind your fake identities. Hell, I wouldn't know S2's online ID if it came up and bit me in the ass.

I'm beginning to think a few of you just like to slap me around behind the scenes with e-mails, phone calls and the occasional snide reference. I suppose that's fine.

But it's also a little ... boring.

Whatever happened to the Athiest In Texas?

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