Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Are we a little defensive?

From Craigslist, we have ... a 22-year-old woman with attitude (but poor grammar skills):

Natural beauties are the best...

If you are a man, a fake and bake barbie doll, a smelly man like female or just socially unacceptable, then please move on. Females, if you aren't seriously into personal hygiene and don't honestly enjoy taking damn good care of yourself then move on. I don't want to associate with someone who does anything more than smoke a little green or drink a stiff one here and there. If you have EVER done anything past this, move on. Nothing grosses me out more than a WOMAN who does not have enough self repsect to treat her body and soul like a temple. You don't get a second chance at looks, youth and life Ms. Meth Head. If you have ever lied to a man and told him that you were pregnant so he would stay, then move on.

I'm 22, hard working, intelligent, simple, natural-BEAUTIFUL. I don't have time for bullshit and hate drama. I want the best out of my life and I am working very hard to get that. I will not be anyones sex object, ATM, taxi or doormat. I will be a honest, real, worthwhile soul. You will get to know me and be happy you took the time to do so. We will have fun, doing whatever comes to mind, shopping, movies, hiking etc. You will accept that you will not be the center of my universe and that I have a life away from friendship. You should be a like minded female. Driven, intelligent, clean, healthy and beautiful.

We all know what the fake bake barbie image is, a woman who thinks that sensuality, beauty, style, grace comes from what she does to her shell.

Makeup, too many materials to name, and a hollow center. Like the chocolate bunnies you get for easter. You're so excited, you got chocolate! So you bite the bunnies head and there's nothing inside? How enthralling. Like I said: MOVE ON. I write a lot. Talking not so much. I'm shy. So what about you?

UCM says: MOVE ON! You're going to judge a woman on whether she wears makeup? This is how you screen out the Meth Heads?

Sensuality *does* have a lot to do with what a woman does to her "shell." What the fuck? It's a BODY. I can't think of the last time I orgasmed from a thought alone.

Nothing grosses you out more than a woman who doesn't treat her body and soul "like a temple," huh? Well, that's good! Because I've decided to grow my hair out -- EVERYWHERE -- so I can look like a temple that's been reclaimed by the jungle. I'm modeling myself after Angor Wat. Have you *heard* of Angor Wat?

By the way, I once lied to a guy about being pregnant. But it wasn't to get him to stay. I just wanted the cash for "an abortion." I had quite the shopping spree at the Galleria. Got some very pretty shoes out of the deal (back when I could wear pretty shoes).

So I guess I'm wondering: Is it the part where women lie to guys about being pregnant that bothers you so much? Or is it just the part where they want the guy to stay? 'Cause if it's the latter instead of the former, we might be able to connect.

If you weren't such an angry bitch, that is.

1 comment:

drM said...

Hurray! I love love love 22 year olds that can be *that* judgemental, self-satisfied, sanctimonious (sp), and just plain hateful.

I hope she finds someone *just* like herself.