Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Aloha & mahalo

These are "sacred words" to the Hawaiians. But I am going to be using them a lot in the next week or so.

Heading down to the Big Island (Hawaii) to spend some time with my uncle El Capitan and his wife, my Tia L. Although it's not hard to rise above the fray in my freakish family, El Capitan and Tia L have pretty much always been on a different planet -- always very loving and supportive and welcoming. (El Capitan is the youngest brother of The Notorious M.O.M., and he doesn't understand what the hell is wrong with her, either.)

The cause for my visit is a combination of vacation and really wanting to see Tia L, who has Stage 4 lymphatic cancer. Right now, she seems to be in pretty good health, all things considered, so I am taking the opportunity of having this break in school to run down to Kona and spend some time with her.

This morning, I got the idea in my head that she might be willing to do a life story interview, similar to what I did for my Lifespan Development class last year. She's always been very relaxed and open, and I think it might be a nice thing for everyone else to have when she's gone.

She has touched the lives of many people, mine not the least among them. When I was engaged in fits of mental torture through my coming out process, the two people I knew would still be in my life regardless of who I was were El Capitan and Tia L. They mean a great deal to me.

Anyway, I'm jetting off early in the morning, and I'll be enjoying the warm Pacific waters and some fabulous snorkeling (one of my favorite ways to chill) for the next week or so. Don't know if I'll blog or not. But you can be assured that I'll be having a good time, enjoying what may be my last visit with Tia L and reconnecting with my most favorite family member of all, El Capitan, an eternal hippie and the most laid back dude I've ever known. Doncha know he taught me to play the bongos when I was a toddler....

Gotta sleep now. Or perhaps just stay awake so I'll PASS OUT on the flight to Kona and not notice I'm so goddamned thirsty from not being able to take bottled water on the plane with me. (Fuck you, TSA, and your pathetic paranoia. I'd rather take the risk of dying than be without water on a long flight!)

BTW, if I do not return (because El Capitan has a habit of taking me into harm's way), I propose that the women in my life arm wrestle for what they want. This hardly constitutes a last will & testment, but maybe it's better than nothing.

Aloha & mahalo, my friends.

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