Sunday, August 05, 2007

The weekend

I had a packed weekend, and am officially too tired now to write about it in detail.


There was burger and beer with XGF on Friday (more about that later). There was wine and Italian food, followed by a visit to watch some belly-dancing, with HGM on Saturday. There were smoothies and burritos and cupcakes with Rather Shy Classmate and King Rex, followed by a sunset -- which quickly turned into a night ride -- bike excursion along the Columbia River on Sunday.

There was also a fair amount of stress and frustration over a non-sensical evaluation from my practicum. It gave high marks to my clinical skills, my empathy, my respect for clients, etc. But at the same time, it gave me low marks for my character, my personhood and my most deeply held sense of "morality." (I think one of the instructors has a bruised ego and is taking it out on me.)

I finished reading a book about an attempted murder, and I started one about cultural rituals following death.

Now, I'm going to go eat a hard-boiled egg and watch an episode of "The L Word" before heading off to bed. Gotta work in the morning.

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