Saturday, July 12, 2008

That's *Empress* UCM to you...

You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Motivational messages on the office wall

A strange commentary about the work I do, posted at the entrance to my clinical supervisor's pod.

Blurry part of the small text says: "...outside this cubicle, though, is a horrifying and brutal world of crippling depression and pain."

(Don't know why I can't manage to rotate this file and save it. Took it with my cell phone, and there is something wrong with my cheap "photo editing software." I want Photoshop! And a real digital camera....)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Close Encounters & Love For Passion

You can't go home again.

How often have you heard that one?

I think there's some truth in it. But in my life, the idea that one "can't go home again" has been less a euphemism and more like a way of life.

I moved a lot when I was a kid. Born in a Florida college town, moved to Miami shortly thereafter. At 4, moved to Greenville, South Carolina, where I stayed until age 10. In those six years, we lived in five different homes in five completely different parts of town. My dad was an upwardly mobile architect, and we moved because of the houses themselves, not because of the people or activities going on in them. The first house was a Frank Lloyd Wright.

With all that moving, I never had neighborhood playmates for very long. I'd start making friends and have a summer and winter with them, maybe part of a fifth or even a sixth season, but never two years. I kept making friends and then moving away. It tore my heart out repeatedly. Start over again. Start over again.

The one constant thing was attending the same Catholic school. Unfortunately, I was a bit of a neurotic who didn't like to brush her hair (still don't -- and it looks GREAT), so I was pretty much the playground scapegoat and last kid picked for every team. (But I was also the dodge ball champion.) I had two friends (the black girl and the sickly boy) and a "half-friend" in a girl who lived near me during one of those summers and befriended me there but pretended not to know me at school. So staying put in the same school, while it may have prevented me from being a misfit beyond misfits today, was not all that.

In the Spring of my sixth grade year, we up and moved to Houston. There, I lived in the same house for six years, and it felt like FOREVER. I made some friends, but I moved away for college and only maintained a few of those friendships through college. The same can be said for my college years. I made friends, and then I moved away -- to California -- and did not do the best maintenance work.

California is where I started my life as I know it today. I was in one town for 14 months, another for six years. That second "pit stop" (I was planning to leave after about two years) turned out to be the backdrop for a period of immense personal growth, and I had to chill my heels for a few years to let me catch up with my life. My brother's death threw a radical wrench into my plans, and 10 years ago this month, I ran away -- no job and very little money in hand -- and started a new life in Oregon.

I had made so so so many friends there in California. And I moved away.

Having moved around so much, I have actually lived here in Oregon longer now than anywhere in my life. When I graduated a few weeks ago, the program listed my "hometown" as Portland. No other place seemed logical, and I have lived here the longest.

But just after graduation last month -- and it has taken this long for the dust to begin settling enough for me to write about it -- I made what I think was my first-ever real "trip home." I went not to the city of my birth in Florida, not to the homes of my upbringing in South Carolina and Texas. Nor did I go to any of my family homes. I didn't go to Hawaii, either. I went to that "second pit stop," a small agricultural town in California's Central Valley.

This is not a place I want to call home. Of all climates in which I have lived, it is the most intolerable. It is arid and dusty and HOT. It also has a social climate that felt constrictive to me -- sometimes, the religiously conservative political environment was more than I felt I could tolerate. For a refuses-to-be-closeted lesbian feminist who loves the Pacific Northwest RAIN for its life-bestowing properties and the always-green landscape it creates... there are many reasons NOT to live there.

The yellow hills that cover the landscape of the Central Valley most of the year could almost make me mad at times. The way the air and the view of the nearby mountains is diminished by smog and agricultural dust felt suffocating to me then -- and still does.

But there was that aforementioned "community" of friends there, which I enjoyed more than anywhere else in my life. I loved my friends. But I still left them. The environment, especially my work, had become untenable. I did not see other opportunities -- chose not to see some of them -- and left for greener pastures.

I've visited twice in the past 10 years, once just a few months after I left and once about three years ago when I stayed one night while passing through on my way to Sequoia National Park to scatter my brother's ashes. Otherwise, I have never visited as in a "returning," as in the way one revisits the scenes of past crimes to rediscover what one lost there. As in the way one attempts to go home again.

Although several friends have died or moved away, many remain. And It was in encountering them on my recent trip back -- a trip to celebrate Morrocco Molé's 50th birthday and to do some "research" on my book -- that I think I finally know where and *what* "home" is.

Home is a place where you can find your past and where your past can find you. It's a place where you can go to "hideout" but where someone unexpected can easily find you even when you're incognito. It's a place you think you know and find you don't anymore. Where the faces are mostly familiar, if changed by time and lifestyles, but where you find that familiarity sometimes creates a greater sense of mystery than anything else. Home is a place which can open some spaces within, close others and blast the heaviest of doors off the hinges of the psyche's forgotten vaults.

That may be dramatic license, but it's also my experience. At least, with this one home to which I returned.

Not since Lesha's death (if you recall the Peloton Of My Past) have I encountered so many old friends in such a short period of time. This time, however, it was all in person.

Staying with my Gay Godfathers, Morocco Molé and Lucy Ricardo, I had a GREAT time. They started my visit on a most peculiar note by inviting a collection of friends over with whom I have NOT remained in contact over these many years. One of them was only the most ancillary of friends. One was an older woman who I looked up to in my late 20s and who, I was sad to see, is now suffering from Parkinson's Disease (although possessing no less a keen mind as I had respected in her). Another was an old friend who I could tell was suffering from depression. I could feel the energy being pulled out of me when she hugged me. (I am told I can find a way to block such energy drifts, and I'm looking forward to learning that.) ... So we all had a couple hours of pleasant enough conversation.

The next morning, bright and early, I had a visit with my former therapist of about four years. Our two-hour discussion and some of the notes she gave me started the tilt of my world toward Twilight Zone -- very early in the trip, I would say, and without the assistance of Ahuasco or other mild hallucinogens. Also a bit early in the morning.

After leaving her, I went to the old coffee house my friends used to (and still do) frequent. It had been renovated massively and was operating under a new name, but something about it was still the same. The old roaster was tucked back into a corner rather than taking center stage in the window. I ate there and called the phone number of a former coworker, a photographer, who had left a message with Morocco that she wanted to see me.

Drove over to see her and got a distinct "Twin Peaks" kind of feeling to things. She was talking like a David Lynch character. That's all I really want to say about it. Sweet woman, though, and it was lovely to see her again.

Afternoon, I went to see Shall Be Revered (as she demands to be called). Visited for a while, chatted about the band director and politics with the band boosters. Then I went downtown to find Morocco.

On the way there, I called Mountain Girl, thinking she might be in Australia but giving it a shot anyway. She surprised me by answering the phone. Yes, she was in town, and yes, she thought she could go to the mountains with me. I was THRILLED. There is no one I wanted to accompany me into Sequoia or elsewhere than Mountain Girl.

Had lunch with Morocco, and as we were walking back to the car, we passed the coffeehouse.

"What, you don't recognize your old friend?" came a voice from the shadows of an outdoor table. I squinted and saw her. Mountain Girl, hair still long and greying quite nicely. We make plans to go play putt-putt, and a few hours later, I pick up MG at her house and take her back to the Gay Godfathers, where we enjoy a smoke and a little drink and head out to play. Fun, if a bit ... warm ... to this Oregon girl.

The next day, Tuesday, Mountain Girl and I take our first of what turned out to be two trips to the sequoias. On the way up, she talks about how her life has changed in the past few years, things she likes about it, things she doesn't. She mentions in passing that her roommate and best friend, who I once dated for a few months in 1997, is working in a similar field to me and has seriously gotten into fitness and activities she never used to do. Nothing else much was said on the topic of her best friend, one of my former lovers.

We climbed up on top of Moro Rock, pictured here, and Mountain Girl persuaded me to climb over the railing and wander out further along the top, going down the nose a little.

I had an energetic "spinout" up there, walked about 20 yards and had to sit down to maintain my balance. Or so I believed anyway. Not really sure about that now. I am really susceptible to dramatic and high vistas, but I was experiencing here for the first time some distinct difference between my fear of heights and a peculiarly strong energy that seems associated with the rock. Mountain Girl continued walking out on the rock and just as she disappeared below the rock horizon, she turned to me and said, "Just so you know, the energy coming off this rock is really fucking with my body, too. Never be ashamed of where you stop."

Later, we went to find the grove of sequoias where I scattered my brother's ashes. We found it, hiked to a nearby collection of granite boulders, took some rest and had some snacks. I did some drawings there, took some pictures. And when Mountain Girl wandered off to go explore a fallen sequoia, I went back down to the grove and did a little ritual there, planting a giant sequoia seed in the center of the grove.

The next day, I visited with one of my closest buddies from the newspaper, God Eye. He's working for another metro paper in the region, and after having lunch with his family (his wife also a former co-worker and friend of mine from before they were married), God Eye submitted to an interview with me as part of my research for the book. He was incredibly forthright and helpful.

That night, Morocco and I went swimming at SBR's house, then returned to his house to watch a movie with the Gay Godfathers. Turns out Lucy Ricardo starred in the movie as a nasty but stylish and effeminate drug kingpin who gets murdered in the end. They did not tell me Lucy was in the film, and the lighting and sound was so poor that it took me a while to recognize him. Little faux pas on my part. Should recognize one of my dearest old friends in a movie when he's not wearing any disguises! (Thank goodness I hadn't been wearing my glasses. It was easier to recognize him once I put them on....)

Thursday, Mountain Girl and I head back up to the mountains, this time going to the Grant Grove and some other locations in Kings Canyon National Park. We spend some time together on her secret rock, from which we spy on visitors to the Grant Tree. The last time either of us visited this rock was the last day we hung out together before I moved away. I still remember what I told her then: Fall in love sometime. She had replied, "I fall in love all the time."

This time, I chose the occasion of our visit to this spot to talk to her about a scene in my book and to tell her how much the times we hiked in the woods, snowshoed through the valleys, hung out on some rock somewhere in some season or other... about how through all of that with her, she had been my most notable teacher when it came to enjoying nature, my natural passion for it notwithstanding. From you, MG, I learned that exquisite environments are best enjoyed with exquisite foods, I told her. You pointed out that it is no more difficult to pack in a bottle of wine than a water bottle, no heavier to bring cambonzola cheese and apples than string cheese and apples.

There were many other lessons from her, too, but that was the one I wanted to mention as we polished off the sandwiches I brought from the old coffeehouse.

As we're driving down the mountain, heading back to town, we talk again for a moment about MG's roommate. Let's call her Love For Passion (LFP), as is her nickname in certain circles. I mention something -- which I will not repeat here -- regarding LFP's amazing capacity for passionate sex, as I recall it. Mountain Girl says nothing in reply. I guess this is just the way we communicate about her best friend: One of us makes a comment, and the other says nothing.

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I walked out on Love For Passion 11 years ago and never spoke another word to her, never saw her again. It's one of those moves I regretted almost instantly but didn't know how to undo. I was younger then, considerably less mature and outrageously frightened by the immensity of feeling I experienced with her. I ran away, and true to form, never went back.

I broke my own heart that time. Smashed it to smithereens.

I know MG saw some of the fallout from that, even though I tried to keep it to myself out of respect for her long friendship with Love For Passion. Maybe that's how we settled into this place of not responding to each other's comments about LFP. Who knows.

In any event, about an hour after I made my last comment about LFP's presence as a lover, I was driving back to MG's house, about to pull up in the driveway, when she says to me, "Oh, LFP's home. I know she'd really like to see you. You should get out and say hello."

What?! I was shocked. I don't think she wants to see me, I stammered.

"Oh, I know she does," MG replied.

I got out of the car to wish MG goodbye. It being my last night in town, I didn't anticipate seeing her again and believed she would move to Australia before I ever returned to the Central Valley. I looked at her, thinking, Well, this is goodbye, but saying nothing.

I was stalling, about to kick the tires, hemming and hawing, the lingering of reluctant parting keeping me put, when I see the screen door at the front of the house open and LFP quickly striding toward me before I could respond. She threw her arms out wide and embraced me with a kind-sounding "UCM!" on her lips.

Instantly, I was held in place by her magnificent energy. The clarity of her openness and the absence of discomfort was palpable. I felt welcomed. Deeply and truly welcomed.

How does this happen? I wondered.

"It's so wonderful to see you. Come in for a drink?" LFP asked.

Nah, I gotta go meet some folks, I said, thinking of SBR with whom I had plans to hang out and chat.

"Oh," LFP said.

All three of us stood quietly for a moment.

"So what have you been up to?" LFP asked.

I'm working as a therapist, I replied. I just finished grad school. Graduated last week.

"Hey, I've got my MSW. I don't do therapy, but that's interesting we're in similar lines of work," LFP said.

Another moment of silence. Someone says something I don't recall. I'm thinking; I'm feeling. Some kicking of dust beneath my feet. Sweating in the 100-degree heat. I think about the time, make a quick calculation about how disappointed SBR might be if I stand her up versus what I feel an overwhelming urge to do.

You know, I think I'll have that drink after all, I said.

When I slipped quietly into the front door at the Gay Godfather's at about 6:45 the next morning, I was greeted by Morocco, drinking coffee with a smirk on his face. "Ran into Love For Passion, did you?" he said. "Girl.... Did you have fun?"

Absolutely. I had an amazing time.

I don't want to lead anyone astray. We didn't have sex. I was filthy and stinky from being in the woods all day, on my period and had a small cold sore. Hardly appetizing. Plus, LFP says she has sworn off "one night stands," and I simply don't do them.

And yet, something happened for me that night with Love For Passion. An opening, a re-awakening with the hint of personal discovery that I'm not inclined to write about for public consumption right now. But I was being honest with Morocco Molé: It was amazing.

In fact, the entire trip was amazing. Seeing my old friends, visiting my old hangouts, finding the grove where I scattered my brother's ashes, sitting on those various rocks with my mountain friend. What else could cap an experience like that than spending the evening with a former lover and feeling a chemistry between us that perhaps is stronger than it was before (in my experience)?

Well, there was the facial that Morocco gave me just a couple hours before I left town. It was the first facial I've ever had, and Morocco's touch was full of warmth. So much so that I started crying. I felt deeply affected, full of love and appreciation for all these characters: Morocco Molé, Lucy Ricardo, Mountain Girl, SBR, God Eye, my former therapist, the giant sequoias, Moro Rock, the old friends who came to Morocco's "meet and greet," even the David Lynch character, and of course the aptly named Love For Passion.

It was altogether more than I bargained for, more than I wanted or expected. And in the end, just what I needed.

Like a trip home ought to be.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Secret Hideaway

The little cabin is mine, people!

I know I don't really have a claim on it, considering it's a good 50 years older than me. But I did finally today qualify for the frequent-user discount. (I love Steve. He's ever so much better than the funky drunk caretakers who were there before him. He actually returns calls, remembers me and even remembers if I've sent someone his way.)

Actually, it's been useful to get to know Steve. Not only does he give me a discount, he's become protective of his "regulars" ever since that goddamned Sunset Magazine blew the lid off the place and ranked my secret spot among the top 10 lakeside resorts in the West last year. Phooey to ruining quiet places with your insidious ink, Sunset!

Trust me people: It's a dive. You don't want to go there. No TV, no hot tub, daddy long-legs in the shower with you, the floor slopes just so, sometimes the fireplace doesn't pull well, sometimes the wood is wet, and every once in a while, the kind of windstorm that begat creation itself seems to come up and scare the living shit out of whoever didn't have the sense to flee once the pictures on the wall started rattling (such as me).

Anyway, I won't be getting up to the cabin this summer. I would've needed to book a while back, thanks to mutha-effin Sunset, to get it in the peak of summer -- and ended up choosing to take a trip down to Central California with my mula instead.

But I did get the baby for my birthday in October, which is when I wanted it. I will turn 40 at the lake. Can't think of a better place to be to usher in a new decade. Beauty, beauty. All is beauty when I get it in my head to go there.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Lately, I've been developing greater and greater concern about the environment. I'm not sure what, exactly, is driving this change -- I've not been reading about the environment much, not been watching much television out of the ordinary -- but suddenly, I have been feeling increasingly self-conscious about my environmental footprint.

Maybe it's my neighborhood. The other day, I was in the supermarket and saw that my favorite skin lotion was on sale. I didn't have a bunch of groceries to get for the week, so I decided to load up and got three of four of them. As I was pulling them off the selves, a young woman browsing the lotions asked me, "Do you know if those containers are recyclable?"

I looked at the tube. I have no idea, I said.

She regarded me with slightly pursed lips, and I felt instantly shamed. Here I was grabbing all these non-refillable tubes of lotion without even thinking about the landfill. But then, there was the landfill in my mind all of the sudden. Big pile of rubble with seagulls buzzing around the smoke-belching bulldozer on top of the whole ghastly heap.

So then I wanted to know: WHY don't the good-smelling (coconut, glorious coconut oil) lotions come in bulk where you can fill your own bottle? The bulk lotions always smell like ... oatmeal. It's not that I'm being environmentally dispassionate, it's that I can't get what I want the green way. So to the makers of Desert Essence Organics coconut hand and body lotion, I say: Buck up, you fat cats, and make your lotion available in bulk at my local New Seasons Market or make friendlier containers!

I wrote them. You can too. There, having now shouted out that plea into the universe, I can move on. (Or try to rattle their corporate cage.)

A few weeks ago, when I was getting take-out at the Thai place downstairs, another customer came in for take-out too, and as I was picking up my plastic bag with a plastic container in it, she set down her own collection of tupperware on the counter and asked the owner to put her meal in that.


I've been using reusable canvass bags for my grocery shopping for years, but I often forget them or decide to go to the grocery after making a quick list at work. Therefore, I have all these paper bags hanging around in my place. I walk over to the little food co-op on the corner and give them my paper bags, and they re-use them. So that is at least something.

But I can see it is not enough. My eco-conscious is bothering me.

I suppose that's why I've got a long-term relationship going on in my home with a styrofoam cup. I got it on Friday night when I stopped in at the tacqueria down the street and got a burrito (in a plastic container inside a plastic bag) to go. I had been out walking the dog, and I was thirsty. I had started to pour water in the cup already when I suddenly connected to what I was holding. Who the hell uses styrofoam these days? Good god!

And so, I have been using it and using it and using it. Only for water, and I give it a good hot flushing every so often, but ... how long can this thing actually last? Will it begin to disintegrate while I'm using it, or might I have it for years -- if I don't get carried away one night and start chewing on it? I throw away all sorts of crap, but for some reason, this styrofoam cup is really bugging me. Seems my ploy is to use it to death (or some otherwise reasonable point) to assuage my guilt.

Lastly, I have been seriously contemplating ditching my car and getting a scooter. My only problem is that the only way across the Columbia River is via the interstate. I'd have to get a full-on motorcycle or large-engine scooter -- or walk the damn thing across the bridge on the pedestrian sidewalk, which would take too long.

All I can think is that in the not-too-distant future, so many people will be unable to afford gasoline for their cars that we might get a slow-lane on the freeway to ourselves. I had a vision the other day while driving home of a nearly empty freeway with more than a few cars that had just run out of gas and been left at the side of the highway like dead bodies on Mt. Everest. Is that what our future holds if we don't make a quick transition to alternate-fuel vehicles?

In the meantime, it seems like the right-hand lanes on the freeway system could be designated for people going 40 mph or slower, and other drivers could be forced to use them as extended on- and off-ramps. That seems fair and reasonable to me, as an auto driver right now and a would-be scooter driver if it was safe and legal to drive a smaller-engine vehicle on the freeway.

So I'm hardly an environmentalist, but I have my concerns. Seems the only way I'm actually working it right now, though, is by drinking from a styrofoam cup.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fait Accompli

I am this evening no longer a graduate student.

After turning in my internship paperwork last week, turning in my death & dying research paper yesterday and severing two final client relationships at the free clinic where I have been interning until today, there is not a single thing left that I must do for school but attend my graduation.

That will be 10 a.m. on June 1.

Until then, I am in this curious limbo where I'm working part-time and not sure if or when my hours will increase -- but if they do, it likely won't be until June. In my mind, that leaves me with the merry month of May to have some sweet time left for myself, a break between the pace of school and the start of what I hope will be full-time (or pretty close to it) work this summer.

Thus, I will be endeavoring to spend this time wisely and restfully, not to mention creatively and decadently.

In the meantime, I find myself wishing I had someone to celebrate this occasion with, someone who really understood what all this crazy shit was about for me. There are only a small handful of people who come to mind:

Top of the list being XGF who witnessed this idea I had several years ago about seriously, SERIOUSLY changing my life turn into something that was really going to do just that. As she's neck deep in graduate school in New Jersey these days, I have a feeling she can appreciate the idea of being done with it -- although it will be many years until she is done herself.

And I think about S2, who has been my diligent and fierce companion in school, and a massive friend outside of it. There is no single other student who has been such a "teacher" in my life. Lots of funky psychological stuff got worked out through our friendship, and yet we are still friends. Dear ones at that. Quite a lesson unto its own.

I also think about The Good Witch, who has been a friend and mentor to me for many years now and always tries to give me her old counseling journals and other books.

And, last but not least, I wish like hell that I could share this with my Tia L, who was always so encouraging of me and who, in telling me her about her work in a Third World insane asylum during the Peace Corps, taught me a thing or two about restoring dignity and humanity to people who are mentally ill. One of our last conversations, she told me, "You're going to help a lot of people," and she sounded so convinced that I believed she might be right. (Time will tell, Tia L!)

Anyway... So that's that. Three years have gone in a flash. And my life is seriously, SERIOUSLY different. It's a good life, and I feel lucky to have it right now.

Apparently, celebration with others must wait a month for graduation, so in the meantime ... I toast myself.

Way to go, UCM. Way to mutha-fuckin' GO!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A tidbit

I once read some time ago -- and then was reminded again this evening -- of what Goethe's dying words reportedly were:

"More light."

That is so worthy of reflection, the work of which I will leave up to each of you individually, that I simply had to jot it here.

"More light." ... What do you suppose he meant by that?